esmaspäev, detsember 25

mingi netitesti asemel - räägi sõbraga...

ibrahim sanoo: but about your personality... you are very kind-hearted, and very social. you are also smart and talented in arts. however, and listen carefully to this, however, are so tight ....
annushka sanoo: ???
ibrahim sanoo: i mean that you care so much about about take everything seriously .... and you want everything to be right
annushka sanoo: well, i think there are certain principles that are bigger than people's opinions. like things about faith for example. it's something truly important and eternal... did you mean these things?
ibrahim sanoo: no no no .... i didn't mean faith at all ... in fact that's something i see as a good thing .... i meant your general attitude .... annushka, i am so sorry i feel like a judge and it is such a bad feeling .... but i thought you would like to hear my honest opinion .... i mean that you care even about the small things in your life and you want them to be right, and if not right you will get a bit tense.
annushka sanoo: yes, please, be honest! but what kind of small things do u mean? i don't quite understand...
ibrahim sanoo: like if you make food, it should be proper. if you spoil it, you take it personally... as if you as a person isn't good at cooking... annushka, please forgive me if this doesn't make sense !!
annushka sanoo: hmm, interesting thought! no, don't be afraid to say these things, we've known each other long enough to be able to speak the truth!
annushka sanoo: i know you love me anyway
ibrahim sanoo: yes i do ...
annushka sanoo: actually, i think i see your point...

4 kommentaari:

Anonüümne ütles ...

Näed sa kus tuttavaid võib kohata. Rõõm näha :)

Ütleks, et sa oled ikka omale raske ja okkalise tee valinud - MSNi - selle asemel et inimesele otse silma vaadata ja omavahelistest asjadest poole kiiremini aru saada. Teisest küljest mis ma siin ikka - ma ise ka praegu netis.

annushka ütles ...

tere endale kah! pole see msn midagi nii okkaline, selle kaudu olen ma nii mõnegi südantsoojendava jutuajamise maha pidanud. sest kui teine ikka lähedal ei ela, kuda sa siis temaga muidu rääkida saad kui mitte läbi tehniliste vahendite?

ole siis vahva edasi ja ära neti sisse ära upu ja kena aastavahetust sulle, erkki!

Anonüümne ütles ...

ma arvasin esmalt, et oled abielus selle tyybiga, perekond Sanoo'd

sepp, mitte-tallinlane häbenedes vasakule ära...

annushka ütles ...

heh! perekond sanoo'd saadavad tervitusi seppadele suomesta.